One problem with motivation, and motivational speakers, is that motivation cannot be truly given to someone. While it's true that people are motivated by different things, the motivation to change must ultimately come from the person who is trying to change. A speaker can excite you, move you and temporarily share his or her emotion with you. Those feelings are only temporary. You can't borrow them permanently. Instead you have to find your own. After all, your reasons for changing your life, or some part of it, are yours. No one should be as interested (or as excited) about those reasons as you. If you're waiting to find the right person to motivate you to change, you could be waiting your entire lifetime. Jim Rohn put it this way: "Don't wait for someone to motivate you. What if he doesn't show up?"
Secondly, it's a mistake to confuse motivation with commitment. Motivation may be "why" we change, but commitment is what keeps us doing what we have to do during those periods when the excitement isn't there and when we feel like giving up. While it's vital to keep in mind why we've started down the road to change, it's equally important to be committed to the process, especially when it's appealing to quit. Motivation can be thrilling, exciting and emotionally charged. Commitment is strong, solid and tough.
Finally, motivation and education go hand in hand. In fact, motivation without education is pretty worthless. It's education that gives my motivation direction. It's education that teaches me not only how to change, but what to change and that change is even possible. If I don't know that I need to change, that I can change and what to change, all my motivation and excitement are meaningless. Jim Rohn, again:
- "Life change does not begin with inspiration. Life change begins with education."
- "Motivation alone is not enough. If you have an idiot and motivate him, now you have a motivated idiot."
If you want to change your life, you can. If you want to make things better for you and those you love, you can. Get the knowledge you need. Find your reason and drive to change and then go make it happen.
Change your mind...change your life
Stay tuned...